Friday, December 20, 2013

Want to be more productive?

Want to be more productive today? Try these techniques.

Check Mate

''Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.''

~Ralph Charell~

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

China's yuan surpasses euro as world's 2nd trade currency

China's yuan has overtaken the euro to become the second most-used currency in international trade finance after the US dollar, according to this news report.

Which currency do you think will dominate global trade by 2030?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Guy Kawasaki: The Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs

Learn how your internet pet food store (in other words - dead cows in cans) may founder even though you have "rockstars" for employees and only need 1% of the market to do well....among other things!

Alliances Create Value


specializes in corporate advisory services for mergers, acquisitions and foreign direct investments in the Asia-Pacific zone.

Effective support from zebra.consult could make all the difference to the success of a business project such as arranging and implementing a major joint venture or strategic alliance. We can add outstanding value to any venture in China, Japan, India and ASEAN. 

Consult us for practical, tailored advice and counseling on all aspects of partnerships as your first step to investing profitably in Asia.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

See All Your Social Media Shares In One Place!

Have you ever wondered how many social shares you have received on either an individual blog post or even the home page of your website?

Now you can find out really easily with a site called Share Tally by +Brad Knutson! You can see the following social media shares all in one place:

Google +1's
Facebook likes & shares
Pinterest Pins
Twitter Tweets
Linkedin Shares

The ULR to enter your website or blog is

Take a look and see which of your blog posts are doing the best. You may be surprised at what you see!

Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

Five Ways to Attract Clients By Thinking Like a Client - Rainmaker Lawyer Consulting

Five Ways to Attract Clients By Thinking Like a Client - Rainmaker Lawyer Consulting

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Change The Way You Look At Things

Go and make a change be a courage's lion !  

Ask and don't keep yourself in the state of fear " What do I have to loose if I make the change ? If I could not fail what will the change bring me ? I believe strongly in every change we make is an opportunity to so many possibilities to steer ourselves in new directions , new roads to explore , learn , engage , participation , meeting new people on the way , always have in mind we change things to make it better not worse ! If it doesn't work embrace the learning and do something else and keep doing till you get what you want to achieve ! Rule one never forget - rule two remember always rule one !

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wake Up Now

Good Sunday Morning My Friends.....GET FIRED UP!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

'The Ultimate Secret' Beyond The Law Of Attraction

Want to know what holds you back from doing everything you have ever wanted, but also how to remove that block?

This is an excellent explanation by Bob Proctor, it is called the "terror barrier". I had to watch this several times before I really "got it". Enjoy!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday 13th!!

Hope you meet a black cat and have a great and lucky day!!
It's my favorite Friday and this is the recipe of a special drink for the late evening:

Black Cat Martini
2-1/2 Ounces Flavor Black Vodka
Splash of Angostura Bitter
Splash of Anisette
1/2 Ounce Club Soda
1 stick Black Licorice

Chill Glass, pour vodka, soda, angostura bitter, anisette and soda into a shaker filled with ice, shake until chilled, then pour into chilled glass and add licorice. Enjpoy!

Have a splendid weekend.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Brainy Quote On Thursday

Obstacles Can't Stop You

Problems Can't Stop You

Most Of All

Other People Can't Stop You

The only One Who Stops You

is Yourself

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Quote Of The Day

Investor and Entrepreneur are not nouns.

They are verbs.

- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Monday, August 5, 2013

Motivation on Monday

Your Success

in the future is dependent

on the Attitude

you have today.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

G.-Rudi Maicher - Presentation

Hi, my name is Aster and I welcome you to a short presentation about
G.-Rudi Maicher, specialist for strategic alliances and profitable foreign
investments in Asia.

G.-Rudi Maicher has worked in German and US companies primarily as Director of International
Business and expansion and represented a market leading German industrial group as non-executive
Director in several Asian public corporations. His most valuable commodity is experience!
He was instrumental in creating and implementing major industrial projects and successful Joint Venture operations for his principals and was instrumental in the transfer of innovative technology that generated hundreds of thousands of new jobs helping people in emerging markets to greater prosperity.

In the course of personally facilitating hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of international sales, Rudi has logged several million miles of travel on everything from Boeing 747s to Chinese Junks, camels and, yes ... even yaks.

His key strength, aside from the experience of developing innovative business models, is Know-how and professional skills that are critical to international marketing success and can add outstanding value to any venture. Rudi is familiar with contracts under various laws including U.S. business law and a recognized expert in negotiations with poor prospects of accomplishment.

Rudi is both well known to, and highly respected by, senior trade officials from governments in several Asian countries. He spoke about aspects of mergers, acquisitions and partnerships to thousands of people at major conventions.


In the business world,
everyone is paid in two coins:
cash and experience.
Take the experience first;
the cash will come later.

Harold S. Geneen

Monday, July 22, 2013

Some words of inspiration for this Monday

Dear optimist and pessimist, while you are debating whether the glass is half empty or half full, i sold the glass.



Monday, May 20, 2013


1. Money cannot buy happiness, but it's more comfortable to cry in a Corvette than on a bicycle.
2. Forgive your enemy, but remember the asshole's name.
3. If you help someone when they're in trouble, they will remember you when they're in trouble again.
4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.
5. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but then neither does milk.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Just Do IT

Open the door to a new beginning somewhere in your life. Begin something today that will make you proud of who you are and what you have been through. It may be to actually start writing your book or journal; enrolling in an exercise class or starting a new project; or it may mean letting go of the reminders of your past life and throwing them out for good.

Release the stuff that reminds you of the self that you once were. You don't need to keep tripping over them. Whatever time that was is now past,,,it's over....done! You can't go back. Hold the good memories in your heart...throw out the bad...and most of all..move on to something new in your life.

If you're not actively're standing still. Realize that you hold the key to your own future. No one will come to rescue you if you don't get real with where you are; what you're up against; what's holding you back; and who really has your back. You deserve a brighter future. Make it happen for you...because YOU DESERVE!! ~ admin

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Global Pet Alert - Android Apps

Global Pet Alert

Global Pet Alert allows you to send an instant Alert about a missing pet using your mobile phone. You can act immediately!

With the press of a button, you send the Alert and inform your surroundings.

Anyone located within the search radius will be given the notification and be on the lookout with you.

The more people involved with Global Pet Alert, the stronger the network becomes so tell your friends! United, we can recover our pets quickly and safely into the respective owners.

Register now, even if you don't have pets.

Global Pet Alert

Friday, April 5, 2013

Be a Global Player

In the digital age, no leader should be satisfied with a business that is defined by national borders. All companies should think about reaching customers anywhere. But going from local to global can seem daunting. And so to those who are thinking of going global, I offer this set of first steps:

  • Get your news from the world. Branch out in your reading, your surfing, your discussions. Tap into international sources as well as local sources from far afield. Don’t be satisfied with the news as it is filtered through your regular sources. Reach out for new ones.
  • Encourage all employees in your company to consider themselves global employees, even if travel is not in their job descriptions. How can they do this? They should benchmark competitors in other countries. Be aware of innovations elsewhere in the world. Instead of attending the same conferences, go to events in other countries.
  • Create career paths that encourage a global experience. Make it possible – even preferable – for managers to work outside their country of origin.

Going global is a big transformation, but it can be started with small steps from your current location. When you open your mind to the world and its information, you are already on the global matrix. Thinking global is the first step to being there.

Credit: Hiroshi Mikitani - CEO, Rakuten Inc.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why Do I Succeed?

I succeed because I'm willing to do the things you are not. I will fight the odds. I will sacrifice. I am not shackled by fear, insecurity or doubt. I feel those emotions - - drink them in and then swallow them away to the blackness of hell. I am motivated by accomplishment, not pride. pride consumes the weak -- kills their heart from within. If I fall -- I will get up. If I am beaten --
I will return. I will never stop getting better. I will never give up -- ever.

That is why I succeed.

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Part in LinkedIn's 200 Million Member Milestone

Hurray! I'm one of the top 5% most connected @LinkedIn members worldwide.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Independent Import and Export Professional

Mohamed Ali's profile

Mohamed is an experienced communication and education professional with almost two decades of working experience across various industries.

He is currently looking for a suitable position in Germany or in the neighbouring countries, in order to achieve further professional growth, while at the same time making a positive contribution to his employer and the society in which he is based.

Please visit his profile and get in touch with him or check out his profile at or his resume at

Saturday, January 12, 2013

지난 한 해 zebra.consult 에 보여 주신 사랑에 고개숙여 감사드립니다. 올해도 기대에 보답하는 zebra.consult 가 되겠습니다. 밝아오는 2013년 새해에는 모든 일들이 성취되기를 기원하며 언제나 건강하시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요.