Thursday, August 8, 2013

Brainy Quote On Thursday

Obstacles Can't Stop You

Problems Can't Stop You

Most Of All

Other People Can't Stop You

The only One Who Stops You

is Yourself

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Quote Of The Day

Investor and Entrepreneur are not nouns.

They are verbs.

- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Monday, August 5, 2013

Motivation on Monday

Your Success

in the future is dependent

on the Attitude

you have today.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

G.-Rudi Maicher - Presentation

Hi, my name is Aster and I welcome you to a short presentation about
G.-Rudi Maicher, specialist for strategic alliances and profitable foreign
investments in Asia.

G.-Rudi Maicher has worked in German and US companies primarily as Director of International
Business and expansion and represented a market leading German industrial group as non-executive
Director in several Asian public corporations. His most valuable commodity is experience!
He was instrumental in creating and implementing major industrial projects and successful Joint Venture operations for his principals and was instrumental in the transfer of innovative technology that generated hundreds of thousands of new jobs helping people in emerging markets to greater prosperity.

In the course of personally facilitating hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of international sales, Rudi has logged several million miles of travel on everything from Boeing 747s to Chinese Junks, camels and, yes ... even yaks.

His key strength, aside from the experience of developing innovative business models, is Know-how and professional skills that are critical to international marketing success and can add outstanding value to any venture. Rudi is familiar with contracts under various laws including U.S. business law and a recognized expert in negotiations with poor prospects of accomplishment.

Rudi is both well known to, and highly respected by, senior trade officials from governments in several Asian countries. He spoke about aspects of mergers, acquisitions and partnerships to thousands of people at major conventions.


In the business world,
everyone is paid in two coins:
cash and experience.
Take the experience first;
the cash will come later.

Harold S. Geneen